CIO Profiling

Devendra Rajguru AVP Technology, ICICI Lombard GIC

Devendra Rajguru AVP Technology, ICICI Lombard GIC
Devendra Rajguru AVP Technology, ICICI Lombard GIC

Industry Experience: 16 Years

Past Organizations: TCS, IBM, News Digital Service, Tata Technologies

Academic Excellence: BE Computer and EPGM

Highlights regarding implementations in 2016: Real-time Business insights on Mobile. 100% business user self service information delivery mechanism. 360 degree information view platform for all key stakeholders. On the fly business data exploration for quick decision and strategy formation. Implemented Wholesale Industry benchmark tool for better client engagement and servicing with transparency. Implemented predictive model to predict sourcing loss for motor business.

Plans for 2017 from technology and projects’ point of view: Big Data platform Artificial intelligence for auto underwriting


Success mantra: Experiment, Engage and Drive One must experiment with ideas and concepts, Engage with business and Drive to completion with defined measurable benefits

Favorite piece of personal technology: Any technology associated with Data and Analytics

Hobbies pursued in free time: Drawing or playing outdoor games

About the family: I have a complete family which includes my retired parents, beautiful wife and awesome lovely mature son.

One good book read recently: I am not a reader but one book I read was The Secret of the Nagas

Favorite holiday destination: My sweet Home because that’s the place I feel all round comfortable with peace

Social network most active on: LinkedIn

Preferred Cuisine of Choice: Anything veg. and Puran Poli

Favorite Sport: Cricket

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