News Storage & Backup

IDC Ranks NetApp Numero Uno in Indian All Flash Array Market

Emerges the leader in the All Flash Array Storage category with 28% market share in India for CYQ3 2016

NetApp India has been ranked #1 in the All Flash Array (AFA) Storage category by market research firm IDC. According to the latest IDC Q3 2016 Asia/Pacific Quarterly Enterprise Storage Systems Tracker, NetApp (NASDAQ: NTAP) has grown faster than the All Flash Array market as a whole and has an overall market share of 28% vis-à-vis its competition in India.

Key NetApp highlights:

Per IDC, NetApp is ranked #1 in All Flash Array (AFA) Storage category for CY 16 Q3 with 28% Market share in India.
Anil Valluri, President, NetApp India & SAARC said “The IDC results are a testament to our focus on delivering the best-in-class customer experience by optimising IT performance and saving costs. With data centers going mainstream, the All Flash Array market in India is gaining significance and Flash solutions are revolutionising the enterprise IT industry. At NetApp, we are leading the way by providing the industry’s most complete and differentiated all-flash portfolio to build the next generation data centers in India.’’

“NetApp’s All Flash Array Storage enables customers to accelerate their business without compromising efficiency, reliability, or IT flexibility.” added Anil Valluri, President, NetApp India & SAARC.

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