
ABB-NASSCOM to Develop Competency Standards for New-Age Technology Jobs in India

Approved by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), ‘Qualification Packs’ will be the new norm for hiring and evaluating Internet of Things (IoT) related job roles

In a major push for skill development in the technology industry, ABB, in association with NASSCOM has developed a standardized qualification criterion for two IoT-related job roles – IoT Network Communications and IoT Cyber Security. This first of its kind industry collaboration will facilitate the much-needed uniformity and formalization by aiding the hiring and evaluation of these high-skilled jobs across the sector. The Qualification Packs (QPs) define the competency standards that will provide a framework for academic institutions to design their course curriculum to better conform to industry hiring standards. The qualification packs for the two job roles have been approved by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), National Skill Development Agency (NSDA), and National Skills Qualifications Committee (NSQC).

These standardized assessments will lead to the creation of skilled and certified talent for IoT from which the industry can hire the right talent for new-age jobs, thereby reducing the cost of hiring and increasing the time for productivity.

The QPs will be promoted across the industry for the purpose of hiring, promotions and curating learning & development (L&D) programs, thereby laying the foundation for standardized employment practices for skilled jobs in the IT-ITeS industry.

NASSCOM estimates that nearly 40% of the country’s workforce needs to be reskilled if they are to work in the artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), machine learning and blockchain spaces. To this effect, the government will popularize the initiative in academic institutions across the country, to help bridge the prominent skill gap that currently exists in the industry. The initiative will allow the Indian Government to streamline the entry of skilled personnel into the industry and ensure minimal retraining and attrition costs across companies.

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