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VIAVI Introduces Observer GigaFlow

VIAVI Solutions introduced Observer GigaFlow, a powerful solution that delivers enriched flow records to stitch together user, network, and infrastructure data into a single record. GigaFlow is the latest enhancement to VIAVI Observer, the platform recognized as a leading Network Performance Management and Diagnostics (NPMD) solution by Gartner’s Magic Quadrant.

Observer GigaFlow delivers analytics and deep insight in a single enriched flow record, providing end-to-end visibility beyond the core to the farthest reaches of the IT network for fast, simple and effective troubleshooting and forensics investigations.

“IT network operations and security teams are struggling to manage a variety of critical issues with incomplete and siloed data; from investigating abnormal behavior on the network to troubleshooting remote user experience and applications, Observer GigaFlow intelligently fuses rich data sets from all perspectives – user, traffic and infrastructure – delivering powerful insights for expertly mastering every performance and security challenge said Doug Roberts, Vice President and General Manager, Enterprise and Cloud, VIAVI.

As a tightly integrated part of the VIAVI Observer platform, GigaFlow enriched records complement GigaStor wire data to present comprehensive operational visibility for management of user experience, network performance and security incidents.

Key benefits of Observer GigaFlow:

  • End-user experience delivers in-depth situational awareness for each IT stakeholder to ensure optimal service delivery
  • High-fidelity forensic visibility into every network conversation over time, reducing mean time to resolution
  • Advanced service path visibility ensures immediate problem domain isolation across a complex hybrid IT environment
  • Automated threat assessment, creating a new line of defense utilizing an enriched flow record for immediate identification of rogue activity.

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