CIO Talk News

Contents – Contents – Contents: Are we ready to consume, understand and implement a few of them in our real Corporate and Social life – Vipul Anand

India is blessed with knowledgeable, experienced and hardworking Blue and White Collar manpower who seldom get time like the ones in these Lockdown times as they remain busy in their daily schedules.

Also most of them do not get time to read or gain more knowledge for the simple two reasons, one they feel they are well settled capable to handle their jobs and assigned work and two they do not get time as most of the left over time gets consumed either in commuting or with family and friends.

The Corona Lockdown ver 1.0 and now ver 2.0 have provided them the most important thing they all wanted in their life’s i.e. time and each one of us have plenty of time to be utilized.

Also given the fact that India is a major consumer of Mobile Telephony and Internet which has penetrated almost each family each individual and has thus opened more windows of contents being shared across and consumed over social media and we Indians are habitual of reading and forwarding all known, unknown contents we keep getting.

This has created a huge intake of contents on social media platforms and we Indians have been using the best of our time to consume these available contents especially in the Corona Lockdown ver 1.0 times.

In the later part of this article I would like to emphasize my esteemed readers how and what they should do to consume and better implement these available knowledge bank, but before that let me put down some real-life facts.

Yesterday one of my friends who works as CFO for a large manufacturing group called me up, I thought would be for some tech need. I enquired how is the WFH concept working for his group. He started elaborating positive vibes mentioning various technologies and tools being used and the fact that they are happy with the WFH which was well managed by their IT teams, OEMs and partners.  What then was he trying to ask me was my curious question. Right came his ask that they are now looking for tech tools to monitor their workforce as to whether they are actually working as WFH and he wanted our suggestions for the best tech tool which could help them better monitor their employees.

This clearly means that post COVID, industry is ready to accept the WFH as a concept and would demand more and more from tech forces like us so all CIOs , IT fraternity reading this must make themselves ready to face new business demands arising out of these times.

Coming back to our topic of consuming contents, it is evident that over social media now and even otherwise over Google searches you have plenty of knowledge available to be consumed on any and every topic we have, however one must keep in  mind the following suggestions while consuming any knowledge :

  • Life is full of opportunities whether it is your Corporate life or your personal life, also there is always a huge demand of people who could display more knowledge and practical real life application of that knowledge. Therefore, first and foremost you must identify the areas which require technology enablement or improvements in terms of process and controls in terms of reduction of costs and better productivity and keep those areas listed and ever ready and handy to link yourself with the contents you receive and read across.

This will make you create a reposition of real life solutions of your problems and you will be able to better implement them at your workplace.

Take example of current need of WFH solutions while so many OEMs and partners are throwing even free to use products not all products would suit your environment and business needs. So better understand the products wrt your business needs and adapt them.

  • We used to many times discuss in forums that while we all talk about New Age technologies and Digital Transformation and Cloud and AI/ML and Shared Service concept etc. etc., the traction of adoption in our country is slow. Believe me post COVID times you will find that business demand on all this will be in the times faster and you are going to be under pressure to adopt and implement them.

So need of the hour is you study about New Age technologies and Digital Transformation and create used cases within your business functions and identify and collaborate with stake holders to help you implement them.

This should be the first and foremost area of knowledge consumption you must focus on.

  • Lastly as is said “When fishermen cannot go to sea, they repair their nets” You being custodian of most important IT function of your company, while you and your teams remain busy to keep your shows up , this is the time for you to correct your own processes , train your people and correct yourself to better handle the future requirements of your businesses.

Fortunately, many training programs are available and are being pushed as a promotional discount based programs in these lockdown time so you and your folks should identify and get yourselves trained as per suitable needs.

It is evident that while too many Contents are available, and would always be available, it is you who has to identify and better consume them to be an ever smiling accomplished IT professional that would be required by our Corporates and the Society now and in the times to come.

#StaySafe   #AdhereToLockdownV2.0  #StayBlessed

About the Author:  

The author Mr. Vipul Anand is a seasoned IT professional having worked for leading brands in the industry for plus 28 years.   He is a IT thought leader and a global technology veteran on the panels of reputed Corporates.

The views expressed are his personal.

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